Monday, May 19, 2008

Pints for Pets and New Blog

Hey all. Just a quick hitter here. Pints for Pets was a great time. I'll write more on this later. I'm currently in North Jersey and don't have access to my camera for pictures and such. The skinny - it was awesome. They did a fantastic job setting it up. There were some great beers from the brewers there (more to come on this). Honestly, just a great time overall. Seemed to be a huge turn out. Hopefully they'll post some stats on it. From the looks of it, they made a ton of cash for the Humane Society, and I would be surpirsed, ok, in utter shock if they didn't have another go round next year.

So speaking of North Jersey and traveling. . . I'm back on the road for work. I started another blog to document where I'm at and what I've found on my work-centered voyages throughout the country. Most will be beer/food-centric, as actual "tourist time" will be little, if any at all. Please bear with me over the next few weeks getting it set up and such, but I'm planning on posting about what little gems I've found while out for work. Definitely more to come, so check it often. I'm going to link the first few post and such to this site keep you all up to date.

Quick homebrew update - The Missionary Position is still rollin' away. It has slowed a bit, so fermentation will be done soon, allowing us to pitch Batch XX on top of it. Batch 19 will be a pale ale here shortly. We've gotta do something that will be drinkable before the end of year soon, and a good American Pale Ale seems to be the favorite. Check back for updates.

Stay tuned.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pints for Pets attendance was nearly 2,000 and we raised over $35,000 in our 1st effort.

Next year even bigger with 2 sessions being planned. We haven't set a 2009 date yet however.

Rick Vanevenhoven
Pints for Pets Committee