Monday, December 17, 2007

Steamy McBeer, Steely McBeam's MUCH Cooler Cousin

So I was fortunate to acquire one of Eli's steam-style homebrews last week. He's been on me to get back to him ever since. So, Eli, here goes it.

12 oz. bottle from brewer (Eli). Pours golden amber with small, off-white head. Thin and filmy. Small carmel aroma, touch of hops. Good mouthfeel, medium-bodied with medium carbonation. Carmel malt character with steam beer-esque qualities. Mild hop bitterness at the ended muddled with classic liquid malt extract/dextrose "twang". Good offering overall.

Solid offering from a novice with only a couple brews under his belt. First, there were no qualities that were reminiscent of his eASSb at all. Second, when ignoring the LME "twang" at the end, I can really make out that it is what it was meant to be, a Steam Beer. Trust me, from my own eperience, I quickly got used to wading through the twang with my first handful of brews. This is the reason that I don't use LME for my beers nor corn sugar to prime. Anywho, Kudos, Eli, and I'm looking forward to your upcoming releases.


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